Tweco 300 Auto-Cut User Manual

Tweco Equipment

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Manual No. 0-4817 Rev. AR

Manual Assembly Instructions

- Separate this sheet from the rest of the manual.

- Locate and remove 'Page 1' of this manual. Follow the directions on 'Page 1'.

- Locate the set of tabs for this manual.

- Locate the torch information section, which will become section 8 of this manual.

- Find the sheets saying 'Insert Section ___ tab here. Discard this sheet'. Insert the appropriate tabs and
discard the 'Insert Section ___ tab here. ' sheet.

- At Section 8, insert the torch information section.

-Insert the assembled manual sections and tabs into the 3-ring binder.

- Keep this manual with the power supply for installation, operation, maintenance, and replacement parts


Copy Section 8 (torch operational data) for operator convenience. This section includes data that will be
needed repeatedly for system operation, depending on the metal to be cut and the gases in use.

- Discard this sheet.


Power supply schematics are provided separately. The system operator may want to keep them with this
book or in a separate location.

Table of contents