Scan summary, System errors and historian errors, Error descriptions – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 H2H Interface User Guide User Manual

Page 144: Historian to historian specific error messages

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Error and Informational Messages


Scan Summary

After a scan class has finished history recovery, the interface logs messages indicating the
number of tags in error for the scan class.

PItoPI- 1> Scan class 1: History recovery completed successfully.

PItoPI- 1> Scan class 1: 0 of 385 points in error.

The messages above indicate the number of points successfully registered with the update
manager on the source node and the number of errors encountered in the given scan class.

System Errors and Historian Errors

System errors are associated with positive error numbers. Errors related to Historian are
associated with negative error numbers.

Error Descriptions

Descriptions of system and Historian errors can be obtained with the




\PI\adm\pidiag -e error_number

Historian to Historian Specific Error Messages


16-May-06 17:29:06
PItoPI 1> Error -77 returned from pisn_evmexceptions cll
to source Historian Server.


Update manager queue limit has been reached on the source Historian Server.


Increase PI Update Manager queue size limits on source Historian Server as described
in Exception Data Collection section:

Historian 3 Update Queue Size Limits



16-May-06 17:29:06
PItoPI 1> Tag SINUSOID rejected.Source tag already
configured for tag SINUSOID.


UniInt tag loading behavior. When UniInt is disconnected from



Server on startup it will does not resume tag loading where it left off. Instead it reloads
the tag list from the beginning. Any tag that was loaded before the disconnection will be
rejected after reconnection with the stated error message. This error message can
safely be ignored. The tag is loaded and will receive data.


See PLI 19689OSI8. This issue will be addressed in a future UniInt/PItoPI release.