Ui_outputbvrate, Ui_triggerrate, Ui_triggerbvrate – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 H2H Interface User Guide User Manual

Page 135: Ui_sciorate, Ui_scbvrate

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FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface User Guide


The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point. The
Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.


The [UI_OUTPUTBVRATE] Health Point tracks the number of System Digital State values
that the interface writes to output tags that have a


. If there are no output tags for

this Interface, it writes the System Digital State



to this Health Point.

The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point. The
Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.


The [UI_TRIGGERRATE] Health Point tracks the number of values that the interface writes
to event-based input tags. If there are no event-based input tags for this Interface, it writes the
System Digital State



to this Health Point.

The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point. The
Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.


The [UI_TRIGGERRATE] Health Point tracks the number of System Digital State values
that the interface writes to event-based input tags. If there are no event-based input tags for
this Interface, it writes the System Digital State



to this Health Point.

The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point. The
Interface resets the value of this point to zero at each performance summary interval.


You can create a [UI_SCIORATE] Health Point for each Scan Class in this Interface. The
ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example, Class IO Rate.sc1

) refers to Scan Class 1, “.sc2” refers to

Scan Class 2, and so on.

A particular Scan Class‟s [UI_SCIORATE] point indicates the number of values that the
interface has collected. If the current value of this point is between zero and the
corresponding [UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] point, inclusive, then the interface executed the scan
successfully. If a [UI_SCIORATE] point stops updating, then this condition indicates that an
error has occurred and the tags for the scan class are no longer receiving new data.

The Interface updates the value of a [UI_SCIORATE] point after the completion of the
associated scan.

Although the ICU allows you to create the point with the suffix “.sc0”, this point is not
applicable to this Interface.


You can create a [UI_SCBVRATE] Health Point for each Scan Class in this Interface. The
ICU uses a tag naming convention such that the suffix “.sc1” (for example, Class Bad Value Rate.sc1

) refers to Scan Class 1,

“.sc2” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.