Step 5. reinstall the keypad bracket in the drive, O figure 2.14 – Rockwell Automation GV3000/SE AC Drive ControlNet Network Communication Board, M/N 2CN3000 User Manual

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Step 5.

Reinstall the Keypad Bracket in the Drive

Step 5.1 Reconnect the keypad bracket to the hinged mounting panel using the four

screws and lock washers removed earlier.

Step 5.2 100 to 150 HP drives only: Remove the tie that was fastened to the Power

Module Interface board earlier.

Figure 2.14 – 100 to 150 HP Drive Components and Locations


Regulator Board

Power Module
Interface Board

Regulator Panel

DC bus measuring
points are behind the
Regulator Panel on the
Power Module Interface

Power Module
Interface Board

Power Module Interface Board

(-) (+)


DC Bus Measuring Points