K2.9 adding a network drop, K2.10 disconnecting a network drop, K2.11 fiberćoptic cable system maintenance – Rockwell Automation 57C329 Remote I/O Communications, AutoMax User Manual

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Step 13. ReĆattach the plastic panel to the front of the FiberĆOptic



Adding a Network Drop

Use the following procedure to add a drop to the fiberĆoptic

Step 1.

Identify the route for a new fiberĆoptic link. Refer to the

recommendations provided in section K2.4.

Step 2.

Calculate the new link length. Ensure the new total cable

length does not exceed the maximum cable length

defined in Appendix H. If it exceeds the maximum

specifiedcable length, consult with Reliance Electric

before taking any further steps.

Step 3.

Install andtest the new cable segment following the

instructions provided in section K2.4.

Step 4.

Install the new StandĆAlone Transceiver following the

instructions provided in section K2.2.

Step 5.

Stop all communications over the AutoMax network.

Step 6.

Install the new RackĆMountedTransceiver following the

instructions provided in section K2.3.

Step 7.

Resume network operation.

K2.10 Disconnecting a Network Drop

Use one of the following methods to disconnect a drop from the

Remote I/O network. Note that you do not need to stop network

operation when you disconnect a drop from the network.
D Disconnect the drop cable or the Tee Adapter from the selected


D Disconnect the fiberĆoptic cable from the StandĆAlone


D Disconnect the fiberĆoptic cable from the RackĆMounted


K2.11 FiberĆOptic Cable System Maintenance

The following sections describe recommended maintenance


K2.11.1 Cable System Documentation Maintenance

Keep the network cable system documentation upĆtoĆdate with all

changes made to the network configuration during the life of the


K2.11.2 Cable System Design Maintenance

When oldequipment is relocatedor new equipment is installed, new

sources of heat, hazardous chemicals, and other changes in the

network cable system environment may occur. Evaluate the effect