Rockwell Automation 2706 DL40 HARDWARE USER MANUAL User Manual
Page 41

Chapter 5
Special Messages
5 – 2
Note: Special Message 901 will not terminate a message being displayed on
a slave unit. You must send another message to the slave for display or cycle
power to slave.
Note: The following Special Messages will complete their functions before
this Special Message takes effect: 901-905, 909, 912, 913, 915, 916.
902 (or 02) Clear Queue
Immediately clears the queue. If a message is running it will finish running.
903 (or 03) Terminate Message – Clear Display and Queue
Immediately terminates message that is running and clears the DL40’s
display and the message and variable data queue.
If a terminated message is being sent to a printer and/or a slave, the message
is terminated after the current line being sent to the printer or slave is
completed. Note: Special Message 903 will not terminate a message being
displayed on a slave unit. You must send another message to the slave for
display or cycle power to slave.
Note: The following Special Messages will complete their functions before
this Special Message takes effect: 901-905, 909, 912, 913, 915, 916.
904 (or 04) Reset Unit
Causes the DL40 to immediately go through its normal power-up sequence.
This aborts all other functions of the DL40.
Note: Special Message 904 will not terminate a message being displayed on
a slave unit. You must send another display message to the slave or cycle
power to the slave.
905 (or 05) Test Display
Turns all elements of the display on for 2 seconds.
This message will be put at the end of the queue and will only be run after all
messages before it have been run.
906 (or 06) Print Historical Events Stack
Chronological Order
Sends messages that have been placed on the Historical Events Stack out the
RS-232 port to a printer. The printout will use the Chronological Format as
described in Historical Recall.