Waters Oligonucleotide Separation Technology Standard User Manual
Care and use manual

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
MassPREP Oligonucleotide Separation Technology Standard
I. IntroduCtIon
II. reCommended usage
III. PreParatIon ProCedure
IV. storage and stabIlIty
V. orderIng InformatIon
massPreP olIgonuCleotIde seParatIon teChnology standard
I. IntroduCtIon
The pre-packaged MassPREP™ Oligonucleotide Separation
Technology (OST) Standard is designed for verification of HPLC/
instrument and column performance for analysis of synthetic
oligonucleotides. Approximately equimolar amounts of 15, 20, 25,
30 and 35 nucleotide (nt) long oligodeoxythymidines are lyophilized
and packaged in 1.5 ml LC vials. These vials are vacuum-sealed in
foil pouches to reduce degradation that can occur by excessive expo-
sure to light and air. Approximately 1 nmole of each oligonucleotide
is present in the vial.
II. reCommended usage
Waters MassPREP OST standard is intended for testing the column and
HPLC/UPLC systems separation performance. For selection of Waters
XBridge™ OST C18, 2.5 µm HPLC or ACQUITY UPLC
OST C18, 1.7 um
UPLC column, see document 720002008EN on waters.com/library. Both
columns and LC system performance can be tested using this dedicated
MassPREP OST standard. The most common problems in oligonucleotide
analysis that can be detected using OST standard are listed in the Table 1.