Waters ACQUITY UPLC HSS Columns User Manual
Care and use manual, Acquity uplc hss columns

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
XSelect HSS HPlc columnS
I. GettInG started
a. column connectors
b. column Installation
c. column equilibration
d. ecord Installation
e. Initial column efficiency Determination
f. VanGuard
II. Column use
a. Sample Preparation
b. pH Range
c. Solvents
d. Pressure
e. temperature
III. Column CleanInG, reGeneratInG and storaGe
a. cleaning and Regeneration
b. Storage
IV. IntroduCInG eCord IntellIGent ChIp
a. Introduction
b. Installation
c. manufacturing Information
d. column use Information
V. addItIonal InformatIon
a. tips for maximizing AcQuItY uPlc HSS
column lifetimes
b. Recommended Flow Rates and Backpressures
for Reversed-Phase AcQuItY uPlc HSS columns
thank you for choosing a Waters AcQuItY uPlc
HSS column. the
AcQuItY uPlc HSS packing materials were designed specifically
for use with the Waters AcQuItY uPlc system and are manufactured
in a cGmP, ISo 9001:2000 certified plant using ultra pure reagents.
each batch of AcQuItY uPlc HSS material is tested chromato-
graphically with acidic, basic and neutral analytes and the results
are held to narrow specification ranges to assure excellent, repro-
ducible performance. every column is individually tested and a
Performance chromatogram and certificate of Batch Analysis are
provided on the ecord
intelligent chip.
ACQUITY UPLC columns were designed and tested specifically for
use on the ACQUITY UPLC system. ACQUITY UPLC columns will
exhibit maximum chromatographic performance and benefits ONLY
when used on the holistically-designed ACQUITY UPLC system since
the ACQUITY UPLC system and column were created and designed
to operate together. For these reasons, Waters cannot support
the use of ACQUITY UPLC columns on any system other than an
aCQuIty uplC hss Columns