Waters XBridge Columns User Manual
Care and use manual, Xbridge, Columns

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Thank you for choosing a Waters XBridge
column. The XBridge
materials were designed to provide excellent peak shape, high efficiency,
and excellent stability for acidic and basic mobile phases. The XBridge
packing materials are manufactured in a cGMP, ISO 9001:2000 certi-
fied plant using ultra pure reagents. Each batch of XBridge
material is
tested chromatographically with acidic, basic and neutral analytes and
the results are held to narrow specification ranges to assure excellent,
reproducible performance. Every column is individually tested and a
Performance Test Chromatogram is provided with each column along
with the Certificate of Acceptance.
I. Get tInG started
a. Column Installation
b. Column Equilibration
c. Initial Column Efficiency Determination
II. Column use
a. Guard Columns
b. Sample Preparation
c. Operating pH Limits
d. Solvents
e. Pressure
f. Temperature
III. sCalInG up/down IsoCratIC methods
IV. t roubleshootInG
V. Column CleanInG, reGeneratIon
and storaGe
a. Cleaning and Regeneration
b. Storage
VI. ConneCtInG the Column to the hplC
a. Column Connectors and System Tubing Considerations
b. Measuring System Bandspreading Volume
and System Variance
c. Measuring Gradient Delay Volume (or Dwell Volume)
VII. addItIonal InformatIon
a. Use of Narrow-Bore (3.0 mm i.d. Columns)
b. Impact of Bandspreading Volume on
2.1 mm i.d. Column Performance
c. Non-Optimized vs. Optimized LC/MS/MS System:
System Modification Recommendations
d. Waters Small Particle Size (2.5 µm) Columns –
Fast Chromatography
e. Getting Started with XBridge HILIC Columns
f. Getting Started with XBridge Amide Columns