Waters 12 x 32mm Vial Rack for the Waters Extraction Manifold User Manual
Care and use manual

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
12 x 32 mm Vial Rack for the Waters Extraction Manifold
i. introduction
The rack is designed to hold 12 x 32 mm vials and is meant to be
used only in conjunction with the Waters Extraction Manifold. The
user can collect sample extracts from SPE cartridges directly into
autosampler vials.
• 20 positions for the 12 x 32 mm vials.
• Three-point interlocking system to ensure proper orientation of
rack position, keying collection vial to cartridge position.
• Made with Delrin
, a chemically resistant material.
2. identifying Parts
The rack consists of a block to hold vials and four legs.
12 x 32 mm Vial rack for the Waters extraction Manifold
3. asseMbly
1. Screw the 4 legs into the block.
2. Remove the manifold cover and contents of the vacuum
3. Place the assembled rack into the manifold.
4. Place uncapped 12 x 32 mm vials into the vial rack positions.
5. Replace the vacuum manifold cover, matching up the three-point
interlocking system.
6. Look through the side of the manifold block. The needle valve
tips should extend at least 1/16” into the neck of the collection
vial. If necessary, adjust the height of the rack by slightly
unscrewing the legs.
7. To operate the manifold, follow the instructions for use included
with the Waters Extraction Manifold.
For more information on Waters Chromatography products, please visit our web site at: www.waters.com