Operation – MacDon 742 HAY CONDITIONER User Manual
Page 36

Form # 46290
Issue 09/05
IMPORTANT: When difficulty is encountered picking up down crop, start by adjusting header angle to a
steeper position. This tilts the entire reel/sickle/draper combination and is often all that is required. See
"Header Angle" in this section. Adjust reel position only if header angle adjustments are not satisfactory.
Reel fore-aft position can be adjusted to suit various crop conditions:
• For straight standing crop, install bolt (A) at the tenth hole from front of arm (factory set).
• For crops that are down, tangled, or leaning, it may be required to move reel ahead of cutterbar.
To adjust reel fore-aft position (manual):
1. Lower reel so support arms are horizontal.
2. Remove bolt (A) at each support arm.
3. Using a 15/16” wrench on sprocket inside reel arm, slide reel to the desired position. If reel binds on arms
from misalignment, move in smaller increments (two holes at a time).
4. Install and tighten bolt (A). Be sure the same hole is used at each arm.
5. Check reel clearance to cutterbar. Minimum finger to guard/cutterbar clearance is 5/8 inch (15 mm),
measured at ends of cutterbar. See Maintenance/Service section for adjustment procedure.