Operation – MacDon 742 HAY CONDITIONER User Manual
Page 33

Form # 46290
Issue 09/05
END DELIVERY: 21', 25', 30' & 36' MANUAL SHIFT HEADERS: The left or right deck of the 21' to 36' manual shift
header can be moved to close off the center opening and deliver crop to either end of the header. This provides the
capability of windrowing with a combine or non-windrower tractor as the power unit.
NOTE: For 36’ Header, a kit is available to split the R/H deck to deliver crop next to the combine tire. See Options
and Attachments section.
To shift deck (Manual Shift Headers): NOTE: Steps 3,
4, 5, 10, 12 and 14 apply to Combine Headers only.
1. Install bar (C) onto lugs across center opening at
cutterbar. Note that end tabs bend down and holes in
bar are towards rear of header. This bar prevents
draper damage when end delivering. (Bar is stored on
deck backsheet.)
2. Reverse draper travel on the deck being moved by
disconnecting hydraulic hoses at draper motor (A) and
install in opposite ports.
3. Stop hydraulic flow to the adapter feed draper and
drum. See Combine Adapter Operator’s Manual for
procedure (872 reference: “Draper Speed Control” /
873 reference: “Windrowing with the Combine”).
4. Lower the header to the ground and continue until
adapter lowers to clear deck shift lug.
5. Lengthen center link between header and adapter to
steepest header angle to clear hose clamps on header
back sheet
6. Loosen nut at clamp (B) and slide deck across center
opening until there is approximately 2 inches (50 mm)
clearance between the rollers of the two decks.
IMPORTANT: This clearance is required to prevent
contact between draper connectors or slats as they
pass between decks.
For Combine applications only:
NOTE: If there is interference between deck backsheet
and combine adapter retracting tine drum, move drum
back to provide clearance. See “Drum Fore-Aft
Adjustment” in Adapter Operator’s Manual.
7. Tighten nut at clamp (B).
8. Readjust center link to achieve desired header
operating angle.
9. Move backsheet extensions to close off center opening
(see step 9, previous page).
10. With header and combine feed chain drum floated up,
check clearances: There should be 1 to 2 inches (25 to
50 mm) clearance between adapter drum and combine
feed chain drum, while still providing adequate
clearance to header backsheet. If repositioning adapter
drum does not provide enough clearance both fore and
aft, remove one row of tines from drum (2 or 3 tines,
depending on drum size).
11. Adjust header flotation to compensate for the shift in
weight. See "Header Flotation" in Windrower or
Combine Adapter Operator's Manual.
12. For rotary combines with narrow feeder opening,
increase delivery opening width to be suitable for
windrowing. See "Delivery Opening Width", beginning
on page 28.
13. To maximize clearance between windrow and standing
crop, order “End Delivery Forming Rods”. See Options
and Attachments section.
14. If header drapers catch on feed draper deck or
deflectors, adjust feed pan spacer plate. See “Feed
Pan Clearance Adjustment” in Adapter Op. Manual.