Orbital Antares User Manual
Page 71

User’s Guide
Section 8.0
– Non-Standard Services
Release 1.1
July 2013
The Antares launch service is structured to provide a standard launch service that can then be aug-
mented with optional non-standard services to meet the specific needs of individual customers. These
optional capabilities are defined within this Section. Should a customer have mission-unique require-
ments not addressed in this section, please contact the Antares Program Office directly for further assis-
8.1. Separation Systems
The Antares vehicle features a payload cone with a standard 1575 mm (62 in.) diameter bolted launch
vehicle interface that accommodates a variety of flight proven payload separation systems. As an en-
hancement, the customer can choose one of three Antares clamp-band separation systems: the 937S,
1194VS, or 1666VS. Each system has a conical shaped adapter cone with a lower frame that mates with
the Antares standard non-separating interface. These systems are manufactured by RUAG Space, a
company with extensive experience supplying separation systems for a wide range of launch vehicles
and payloads. The Antares separation systems have a flight proven capability to provide clean, highly
reliable separation with low tip-off rates, typically less than 1°/sec per axis, imparted to the payload.
All the RUAG-supplied Antares separation systems use a Marmon clamp band design and incorporate
low shock Clamp Band Opening Devices (CBODs). Clamp band release is activated by redundant elec-
trical signals into NASA standard initiators. Upon band release, the movement and parking of each band
is controlled by a set of eight catcher assemblies. A set of matched springs on the launch vehicle side of
the interface impart a separation velocity sufficient
to safely separate the payload and to ensure that
no recontact occurs.
8.1.1. RUAG 937S Separation System
The Antares launch vehicle standard 1575 mm (62
in.) interface allows use of the standard RUAG
PAS37S Payload Adapter System. This 37‖ mar-
mon clamp and adapter cone separation system
has extensive launch heritage, having flown on
Ariane, Atlas, Delta, Proton and other launch ve-
hicles, and has direct heritage to the 37 and 38‖
systems that Orbital has flown on its Taurus and
Minotaur launch vehicles. The system and its de-
rivatives have a 100% record of mission success in
over 130 launches since it was originally developed.
The 937S separation system and its mass capabili-
ties are illustrated in Figure 8.1.1-1. The resulting
payload envelope when using the RUAG 937S se-
paration system, including the axial impact of the
adapter cone on the payload envelope, is shown in
Figure 8.1.1-2.
Figure 8.1.1-1. 937S Separation System