Orbital Antares User Manual

Page 53

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User’s Guide

Section 6.0

– Mission Integration

Release 1.1

July 2013


6.1.2. Orbital Mission Responsibilities
Orbital’s mission responsibilities fall into four
primary areas: Program Management, Mission
Management, Mission Engineering, and Launch
Site Operations. Key positions and responsibili-
ties of the Launch Service Team are provided in
Figure 6.1.2-1 and detailed below. Antares Mission Management

Orbital assigns a Mission Manager for each
mission to provide the management focus to
ensure all mission requirements are satisfied.
The Antares Mission Manager is the single Point

of Contact (POC) for all aspects of a specific
mission, and has overall program authority to
ensure that payload requirements are met and
the appropriate launch services are provided.
Mission Managers lead

Orbital’s mission inte-

gration teams

. Orbital’s mission integration

teams work directly with their mission counter-
parts to form a highly integrated organization.

The Antares Mission Manager chairs the Mis-
sion Integration Working Group (MIWG), which
is the primary forum for customer and launch
vehicle technical interchanges. The Mission
Manager’s responsibilities include oversight of
detailed mission planning, payload interface de-
finition, payload requirements definition, mis-
sion-peculiar systems engineering, design and
analyses coordination, launch site and Range
coordination, integrated scheduling, launch ve-
hicle production coordination, payload launch
site processing, and payload-unique flight op-
erations. Antares Chief Engineers/ Engineer-
ing Leads

The Orbital engineering activities within the An-
tares Program are directed by the Antares Chief
Engineers. The Chief Engineers are supported
by an engineering staff representing all of the
required engineering disciplines including mechanical, electrical, systems, environmental, Guidance, Na-
vigation, and Control (GN&C), software, mission/trajectory analysis, and integration and test.

Figure 6.1.2-1. Orbital Mission Responsibilities