Antares, Osp-3 user’s guide – Orbital Antares User Manual
Page 56

User’s Guide
Section 6.0
– Mission Integration
Release 1.1
July 2013
6.3. Mission Integration Process
Orbital uses a successfully proven approach to mission integration management. The core of the mission
integration process consists of a series of Mission Integration Working Groups and Range Working
6.3.1. Mission Integration Working Group (MIWG)
Orbital conducts quarterly MIWGs from the onset of the mission through launch (Table 6.3.1-1). Each
MIWG, chaired by the specific Antares Mission Manager, includes representatives from Antares engineer-
ing and operations organizations as well as their counterparts from the various mission organizations.
The MIWG is the forum for defining all launch services provided to the customer and physical interfaces
between the payload and the Antares launch vehicle. Throughout the mission, each MIWG meeting will
change focus as the integration process matures and eventually transitions from integration to launch site
preparation and, ultimately, to the launch operation itself. The main focus of the initial working group
meetings includes introduction of the team members from the launch vehicle, customer, and the payload
and identification of all mission requirements. As
the integration process develops, documentation
in the form of the ICD, MICD, and EICD are gen-
erated to formally document mission require-
ments. The MIWG also is the forum to plan and
discuss all the mission-specific items such as
mission analyses, mission-unique hardware and
software, and integrated procedures.
In addition to the MIWG process, Orbital provides
a mechanism to focus smaller technical groups on
specific issues that either does not require coor-
dination of the entire mission team, or requires
quick turnaround in resolving technical issues.
This mechanism is referred to as a Technical In-
terchange Meeting (TIM) and has proven to be an
effective means to resolve technical issues quick-
ly throughout the contract.
6.3.2. Range Working Group (RWG)
The RWG is also chaired by the Antares Mission
Manager and includes representatives from both
the Antares Launch Vehicle and customer organi-
zations as well as Range personnel. The RWG
focuses on planning for and executing the activi-
ties that will occur at the launch site. As such, the
RWG is responsible for items associated with
launch site operations. Examples of such items
include range interfaces, hazardous procedures,
system safety, and trajectory design Documenta-
tion produced by the RWG includes all required
Range and safety submittals.
Table 6.3.1-1. Overview of Typical Mission
Integration Working Group Flow
L-23 MIWG #1
Introductions, Roles and Responsibilities
Develop Master Schedule
Review P/L Questionnaire With Preliminary
Mass Properties
Assess Draft Safety Assessment
Identify Mission Specific and Mission Unique
L-20 MIWG #2
Review Preliminary ICD
Review Results: Clearance, CLA
Review Production Schedules
Review Test Environments
Preliminary Safety Review
L-17 MIWG #3
LV/Payload Status
Review MDR-1 Results
Review Preliminary Verification Status
Review ICD
Review ICD Verification
L-14 MIWG #4
LV/Payload Status
Sign Baseline ICD
L-11 MIWG #5
LV/Payload Status
Review Results: CLA
Review Verification Status
Review PRD Inputs
Review Results: Payload Separation, Vent-
ing, Clearance, EMC
LV/Payload Status
Review Results: Thermal
Review Payload Integration Support
Ground Operations Overview
Close Verification Items, As Applicable
Review Results: MDR-2, CLA (Final)
LV/Payload Status
Review OR Inputs, Launch Operations
Processing Schedule
Close Verification Items, As Applicable
LV/Payload Status
Close Verification Items
Review Results: Clearance, EMC
Review Operations Flow, Procedure Input
Launch Operations Overview and Checklist/
Mission Constraints Document (MCD) Re-