Orbital Antares User Manual

Page 50

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User’s Guide

Section 5.0

– Payload Interfaces

Release 1.1

July 2013


5.4.5. Payload Dynamic Frequencies
To avoid unfavorable dynamic coupling of the payload with the launch vehicle dynamic forcing functions,
the payload should be designed with a structural stiffness to ensure that the payload structure first mode
fundamental frequency is greater than 20 Hz axially (thrust axis) and above 8 Hz in the lateral axes. As
dynamic load response is largely governed by payload characteristics, mission-specific coupled loads
analyses will be performed in order to provide more precise load predictions. The results of this analysis
will be documented in the mission ICD.

5.4.6. Payload Propellant Slosh
The customer should provide slosh models at 1, 3, and 6G for payloads with liquid propellant. The first
sloshing mode data is required, and data on higher order modes is desired. The model, in either a
NASTRAN or Craig/Bampton format, should be submitted in conjunction with the payload finite element
model submittals.

5.4.7. System Safety Constraints
Orbital considers the safety of personnel and equipment to be of paramount importance. The Range
Safety User Requirements Manual (AFSPCMAN 91-710), RSM 2002, and Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) Safety Requirements outline the safety design criteria for Antares payloads. These are compliance
documents that must be strictly followed as tailored for Antares. It is the responsibility of the customer to
ensure that the payload meets all Antares, Orbital, and Range imposed safety standards.

Customers designing payloads that employ hazardous subsystems, processes, or hardware are advised
to contact Orbital early in the design process to verify compliance with system and Range Safety stan-

All Antares customers are required to conduct at least one dedicated payload safety review prior to arrival

of any payload hardware at the integration facility and/or launch site. All customers are also required to
submit all required safety documentation to Orbital as detailed in Section 6.

The USAF customer must perform payload testing and/or analysis to ensure the safety of ground crews.
To verify that the payload can meet safety criteria, the payload organization must provide Orbital the ap-
plicable safety-related test results and/or analyses prior to payload arrival at the integration facility and/or
launch site.