Orbital Antares User Manual

Page 26

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User’s Guide

Section 3.0

– Performance

Release 1.1

July 2013


3.4. General Performance from KLC

For missions requiring greater performance to high inclination polar or sun-synchronous orbits, Antares
will launch from KLC located on Kodiak Island, Alaska. Antares estimated performance from KLC for cir-
cular orbits of various configurations, altitudes and inclinations is provided in Figures 3.4-1 through 3.4-6.

The Antares launch system has been designed for and can be made compatible with the KLC launch site.
The basic Antares operations approach consists of horizontal vehicle integration, mobile transport to the
launch pad, and austere ―clean pad‖ launch processing. Orbital has verified that this approach can be
replicated at KLC. The Antares integration and launch operations will remain largely the same as those
implemented at WFF.

Figure 3.4-1. Antares Fleet Launch Capabilities from KLC