Orbital Antares User Manual

Page 64

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User’s Guide

Section 7.0

– Ground and Launch Operations

Release 1.1

July 2013


Pad 0A on the TEL and its associated transporters. At the launch pad, the hydraulic erector system inter-

faces with the TEL strongback and rotates the LV to vertical and positions it for mate to the launch mount.
Vehicle electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic connections are mated and checked, including payload pass
through connections to payload GSE. The TEL also serves as the launch tower, retracting just prior to
liftoff. Portable Environmental Control System (PECS)

The required payload environments are maintained during transport activities by the PECS, shown in Fig-
ure The PECS is a trailerized, self-

contained environmental control system. The system’s two

independent refrigeration circuits cool and dehumi-
dify incoming air after which the air is reheated to
maintain the desired temperature and Relative
Humidity (RH) setpoints. A humidifier is available

to add moisture, if needed. The PECS continuous-
ly purges the fairing environment with clean filtered
air providing an ISO 14644 Class 8 or better envi-
ronment during all post-encapsulation operations.
Orbital’s PECS incorporates both a HEPA filter unit
for particulate control and carbon filtration for hy-
drocarbon control. The HEPA filter removes
99.97% of all particles with a size of 0.3 microns
and greater and the carbon filtration is sized to re-
move hydrocarbons of molecular weight 70 or
greater with 95% efficiency. Payload EGSE Accommodations

Orbital provides accommodations for payload EGSE within the LEV located at the launch site. The LEV
serves as the vehicle copper-to-fiber interface and contains the vehicle external power supplies and bat-
tery chargers as well as a number of other vehicle interface control racks. Space is provided in the LEV
for up to three full sized payload racks. The LEV provides the following power sources: 120V single
phase, 60 Hz, 208V single phase, 60 Hz; 208V 3 phase, 60 Hz. Connectors can be modified to meet
payload requirements.

Communication between the LEV and other WFF facilities is via the Wallops fiber optic network infrastruc-
ture. These fibers carry all launch vehicle and payload communication and data signals out from the pad
and distributed as required. As part of the end-to-end continuity check, Orbital assists in the installation
of payload GSE in the LEV. Orbital supports the checkout of this equipment and provides payload com-
munication accommodations from the pad to the MCC or elsewhere on WFF. Connectivity to the PPF, if

required, is provided via the Wallops Fiber optic network.

7.2.2. Launch Facilities at WFF

Launch Day activities will be conducted from three major facilities at WFF, including the launch pad, the
LCC, and the MCC/RCC.

Figure Portable Environmental

Control System (PECS)