Orbital GQM-163A Coyote User Manual
Gqm-163a coyote

Program Executive Office for Unmanned
Aviation and Strike Weapons, PEO
(U&W); Aerial Target and Decoy Systems
Program Office (PMA-208)
• Provide a Cost-Effective Target
to Simulate both Supersonic Sea
Skimming and other emerging
Supersonic Anti-Ship Cruise Missile
(ASCM) Threats
• Support RDT&E of Ship Defense
Systems and Support Fleet Training
October 2005
Prime Contractor
Orbital Sciences Corporation – Launch
Systems Group, Chandler, Arizona
Major Subcontractor
Aerojet, Camden, Arkansas
(Solid Fuel Ducted Rocket Subsystem)
On June 29, 2000, Orbital Sciences Corporation, Launch Systems Group was awarded a
$34 million Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) contract for the GQM-163A
Supersonic Sea Skimming Target (SSST) system. Orbital’s proven Theater Missile Defense (TMD)
and National Missile Defense (NMD) ballistic missile target design philosophy of maximizing residual
missile assets and off-the-shelf hardware and technology is being applied to cruise missile targets.
This approach provides the U.S. Navy with the best value, lowest risk and highest performance GQM-
163A system.
The GQM-163A MK 70 Booster/Ducted Rocket Sustainer configuration makes judicious use of residual
Standard Missile assets and the $80 million U.S. Government investment in solid-fueled ducted
rocket/ramjets. The GQM-163A Ducted Rocket Sustainer is based on technology developed by major
subcontractor Aerojet (formerly ARC) under the U.S. Air Force’s Variable Flow Ducted Rocket (VFDR)
program. The GQM-163A avionics design is based on the Orbital Launch Systems Group’s multi-
program Modular Avionics Control Hardware (MACH) system. The MACH flight computer boasts a
modern Power PC core hosting a real-time operating system and a flight proven software architecture
based on the company's common object oriented C++ application framework.
Following the EMD phase of the GQM-163A program Orbital received follow-on Full Rate Production
(FRP) contracts in excess of 80 production targets, with newer targets being produced with the Orbital
designed Front End Subsystem (FES), which introduced several robust technology updates to address
obsolescence of the older targets. Under the GQM-163A contract, Orbital has successfully launched
35 Coyote targets to date, which includes a successful demonstration of a High Diver trajectory, the
Orbital designed FES, and the Orbital designed Target Support Test Set (TSTS). For user flexibility, the
GQM-163A target is now operationally capable of launching from three different launch sites around the
world, and a fourth site will be available in 2014. GQM-163A launches have been conducted or will soon
be conducted for foreign customers that include France, Japan, and Australia.
Coyote in flight
GQM-163A Coyote Supersonic Sea Skimming Target
GQM-163A Coyote
Supersonic Sea Skimming Target