Orbital Antares User Manual

Page 58

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User’s Guide

Section 6.0

– Mission Integration

Release 1.1

July 2013


the following paragraphs, is critical for enabling the Orbital team to perform our responsibilities and pre-

pare for and manage the Antares launch of the payload. The documentation delivery requirements are
included in the Integrated Master Schedule. Payload Questionnaire

The payload questionnaire is designed to provide the Antares Program with the initial definition of payload
requirements, interface details, launch site facilities requirements, and preliminary safety data. When ap-
propriate, the customer provides a completed payload questionnaire form (Appendix A of this Antares
OSP-3 User

’s Guide) as soon as the spacecraft definitions are reasonably firm but preferably not later

than one week after authority to proceed. The customer

’s responses to the payload questionnaire define

the most current payload requirements and interfaces and are

instrumental in Orbital’s preparation of nu-

merous documents including a draft of the mission ICD, preliminary mission analyses, and drafts of the
launch Range documentation. Additional pertinent information, as well as preliminary payload drawings,

should also be included with the response. Orbital understands that a definitive response to some ques-
tions may not be feasible, and that many of these items will be defined during the normal mission integra-
tion process. Mission ICD Inputs

The Antares-to-payload ICDs (mission, mechanical and electrical) detail all the mission specific require-
ments agreed upon by Orbital and the customer. These key documents are used to ensure the compati-
bility of all launch vehicle and payload interfaces, as well as defining all mission-specific and payload-
unique requirements. As such, the customer defines and provides to Orbital all the inputs that relate to
the payload. These inputs include those required to support flight trajectory development (e.g., orbit re-
quirements, payload mass properties, and payload separation requirements), mechanical and electrical
interface definition, payload unique requirements, payload operations, payload drawings, and ground
support requirements. Payload Finite Element Model

A payload

mathematical model is required for use in Orbital’s coupled loads analyses. Acceptable forms

include either a Craig-Bampton model valid to 120 Hz or a NASTRAN finite element model. For the final
coupled loads analysis, a test verified mathematical model is required. Payload Thermal Model for Integrated Thermal Analysis
A payload thermal model is required from the payload organization for use in Orbital’s integrated thermal
analysis. The analysis is conducted for three mission phases:

Prelaunch ground operations

Ascent from lift-off until fairing jettison

Fairing jettison through payload deployment Payload Launch Site Integration Procedures

For each mission, Orbital requires detailed spacecraft requirements for integrated launch vehicle and
payload integration activities. With these requirements, Orbital will produce the integrated procedures for
all launch site activities. In addition, all payload procedures that are performed near the LV (either at the
integration facility or at the launch site or both) must be presented to Orbital for review prior to first use.