Despatch MIC1462 Controller Manual User Manual

Page 98

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Reference Conditions
Ambient Temperature:

20ºC ± 2ºC

Relative Humidity:


Supply Voltage:

90-264V AC 50Hz ±l %

Source Resistance:

<10 ohm for T/C input

Lead Resistance:

<0.1 ohm/lead balanced (Pt100)

Performance Under Reference Conditions
Common Mode Rejection: >120dB at 50/60Hz giving negligible effect at up to

264V 50/60Hz

Series Mode Rejection: >500% of span (at 50/60Hz) causes negligible effect

DC Linear Inputs
Measurement Accuracy: ± 0.25% of span ± 1 LSD

Thermocouple Inputs
Measurement Accuracy: ± 0.25% of span ± 1 LSD

(Note: Reduced performance with Type B T/C between 100-600ºC
(212 - 1112ºF)
Note: Thermocouple must not be grounded! Damage to the
cold junction in the control will result!

Linearization Accuracy:

Better than ± 0.20C any point, any 0.1ºC range (±
0.05ºC typical). Better than ± 0.50C any point, any 1ºC range.

Cold Junction Comp:

Better than ± 0.7ºC

RTD Inputs
Measurement Accuracy: ± 0.25% of span ± 1 LSD
Linearization Accuracy:

Better than ± 0.2ºC any point, any 0.1ºC range
(± 0.05ºC typical). Better than ± 0.5ºC any point, any 1ºC range.

DC Outputs
Output 1 Accuracy:

mA: 0-20mA ± 0.5% of span (20mA) @ 250 ohm
4-20mA ± 0.5% of span (1 6mA) @ 250 ohm
V: 0-10 ± 0.5% of span (10V) @ 2K ohm
0-5V ± 0.5% of span (5V) @ 2K ohm

Output 2 Accuracy:

mA: 0-20mA ± 0.5% of span (20mA) @ 250 ohm
4-20mA ± 0. 5% of span (16mA) @ 250 ohm
V: 0-10V ± 0.5% of span (10V) @ 2K ohm
0-5V ± 0.5% of span (5V) @ 2K ohm