Despatch MIC1462 Controller Manual User Manual
Page 52

This can be achieved:
(a) at the Final Setpoint Value parameter, by simultaneously pressing the UP/DOWN
keys to produce a Dwell segment, or
(b) at the Segment Time/Ramp Rate parameter, by incrementing the value to 0 or a
positive value.
6.5 Using Join, Repeat And End Segments And Cycling Programs
By default, the instrument has eight programs, each 16 segments long (all 16 segments
are active and, at the end of Segment 16 is an implicit End Segment). These programs
can be made shorter (using End segments) or longer (by creating program sequences
with Join, Repeat and End segments). The only limit to the size of a program sequence
is a maximum length of 121 active segments plus seven Join segments plus one End
segment (i.e. all eight programs joined to make one program sequence).
Segments follow a free format in that ramp or dwell can be followed by
dwell or ramp, completely as desired.
Consider two example programs:
To join the two programs to form a program sequence, change the End segment of
Program 1 to a Join segment (Segment Time or Ramp Rate set to J02 - Join Program