Despatch MIC1462 Controller Manual User Manual
Page 91

Input Specifications
Input Sample Rate:
Four per second
Input Resolution:
14 bits approximately
Input Impedance:
Greater than 100M ohm resistive (except for
DC mA and V inputs)
Universal input isolated from all outputs except
SSR at 240 VAC.
Thermocouple Inputs
R, S, J, T, K, L, B, and N
Note: Thermocouple must not be grounded! Damage to
the cold junction in the control will result!
Complies with BS4937, NBS125 and IEC584.
Sensor Break Protection:
Break detected within 2 seconds. Control
outputs set to OFF (0% power); alarms operate as if the
process variable has gone over-range.
RTD and DC mV Inputs
Type and Connection:
Three-wire Pt100
Complies with BS1904 and DIN43760.
Lead Compensation:
RTD Current:
l50µA (approximately)
Sensor Break Protection:
Break detected within 2 seconds. Control
outputs set to OFF (0% power); alarms operate as if the
process variable has gone under-range.
DC mA and DC V Inputs
Scale Range Maximum:
- 1999 to 9999
Scale Range Minimum:
-1999 to 9999
Minimum Span:
1 display LSD
Sensor Break Protection:
Applicable to 4-20mA, 1-5V, and 2-10V ranges
only Break detected within 2 seconds. Control outputs set to
OFF (0% power); alarms operate as if the process variable
has gone under-range.