Chapter 8: monitor san status, Chapter 9: solve san problems, Appendix a : upgrade to xsan 2.3 – Apple Xsan 2 User Manual
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112 Make a standby controller the primary controller
112 Convert a controller to a client
112 Access controller computers remotely
Control a controller using screen sharing
Connect to a controller using SSH in Terminal
115 Check SAN status
116 Check volume status
116 Monitor RAID devices
117 Check free space
118 Graph SAN resource usage
119 Set up status notifications
120 View Xsan logs
121 Check volume clients
122 If you can’t connect to a computer using Xsan Admin
122 If you can’t enable or install the Xsan software
122 If computers aren’t listed in Xsan Admin
123 If you can’t mount a volume on a client
123 If you can’t unmount a volume on a client
123 If RAID LUNs aren’t accessible over Fibre Channel
123 If you have problems using command-line tools
123 If a LUN doesn’t have as much space as expected
123 If you can’t rename an Xsan volume in the Finder
124 If you can’t add a storage pool
124 If Fibre Channel performance is poor
124 If a client can’t use a volume after a Fibre Channel interruption
125 If you can’t add LUNs to a storage pool
125 If the capacity of a larger LUN is Listed as 2 terabytes
125 If file copying doesn’t finish
126 If a volume unexpectedly restarts
Appendix A : Upgrade to Xsan 2.3
If you’re not running Xsan 2.0 or later