Step 13: reenable spotlight, Step 14: recreate your multisan configuration, Step 13: reenable spotlight – Apple Xsan 2 User Manual

Page 139: Step 14: recreate your multisan configuration

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Appendix A

Upgrade to Xsan 2.3


Step 13:

Reenable Spotlight

If you disabled Spotlight to upgrade SAN computers to Mac OS X Lion or Lion Server,
reenable it now.

Enable Spotlight on a volume:


In Xsan Admin, select Volumes in the SAN Assets list.


Select the volume and choose Edit Volume Settings from the Action pop-up menu (gear).


Click to select “Enable on this volume” next to Spotlight.

Step 14:

Recreate your MultiSAN configuration

If you use the MultiSAN capability of Xsan to host volumes on subsets of available
controllers, your volume failover priorities were reset when you converted standby
metadata controllers to clients in step 3. You can now adjust failover priorities to
recreate your MultiSAN configuration.

Specify which controllers host a volume:


In Xsan Admin, select Volumes in the SAN Assets list.


Select a volume and choose Edit Failover Priority from the Action pop-up menu (gear).


Click to select or deselect controllers in the list, and click OK.


Repeat for all volumes in the SAN.