Notation conventions, Install xsan from the command line, View the man pages – Apple Xsan 2 User Manual

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Appendix C

Use command-line tools


If you have trouble making an SSH connection, check the Sharing pane of System
Preferences on the remote computer and make sure Remote Login service is turned on.

View the man pages

Detailed documentation for Xsan command-line utilities is available in UNIX-style man
pages. A command’s man page includes information about the command, its options,
parameters, and proper use. The man pages for Xsan commands are located in

To view a man page, enter:

$ man command



with the command you want information about.

Notation conventions

These conventions are used throughout the command descriptions:



fixed-width font

A command or other text entered in a Terminal


A shell prompt


An optional parameter


Alternative parameters (enter one or the other)


A parameter you must replace with a value


A parameter that can be repeated

A displayed value that depends on your SAN

Install Xsan from the command line

Xsan is installed with Mac OS X Lion and Lion Server. You don’t install Xsan separately
on computers with Lion or Lion Server.

You can install Xsan on SAN client computers that have Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server
version 10.6 Snow Leopard.

Install Xsan from the command line:


On a SAN client computer that has Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server v10.6, insert the Xsan

Install Disc.


Open the Terminal app (in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder).


Enter one of these commands to install the components: