Apple Xsan 2 User Manual

Page 164

background image



checking from command line 104
checking usage in Xsan Admin 103
described 102
example 103
grace period 102
setting 68, 100


RAID schemes for LUNs 47
refresh interval, Xsan Admin 58
repairing a volume 87
round robin

volume allocation strategy 80


SAN (storage area network)

adding 69
adding clients 89
adding storage 71
destroying 70
managing multiple 69
moving clients 91
name length limit 38
renaming 69

security considerations 38, 47
serial number

adding 91

server setup assistant 57
shared secret file 141
shell commands. See command-line tools.
snfsdefrag tool 154

defragmenting files 86

soft quota

checking 103
defined 102
setting 100


enabling and disabling 66, 81

storage area network. See SAN
storage pools

adding to existing volume 74
advanced settings 83
checking free space 117
described 35
limit per volume 38
name length limit 38
reserved names 124

storage, expanding 71
StorNext File System 140
stripe breadth 84
stripe groups. See storage pools
striping, across LUNs 35, 37
system requirements 40


text message notifications 119
time server 60
tools. See command-line tools.

can’t access RAID system 123
can’t connect to SAN 122
can’t enable Xsan 122
can’t mount volume 123
can’t unmount volume 123
client unable to reconnect 124
computers not listed 122
file copy doesn't finish 125
LUN size adjusted downward 123, 125
poor Fibre Channel performance 124
reserved storage pool names 124
unable to add LUN 125
unable to rename volume 123
volume restarts 126


unmounting a volume 98

from the command line 157


configuring 61
finding 58
home folders 57
setting up 57


volume configuration file 158

adding to existing SAN 73
checking free space 117
checking integrity 86
configuration file 158
defragmenting 85
described 36
destroying 88
fragmentation 85
identifying controller 110
listed by controller 110
mounting from command line 157
name length limit 38
repairing 87
show clients using 121
trouble mounting 123
unmounting 98, 157


Xsan Admin

installing 68
remote SAN management 69

Xsan Admin application

and firewalls 58