If you can’t add luns to a storage pool, If file copying doesn’t finish – Apple Xsan 2 User Manual

Page 125

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Chapter 9

Solve SAN problems


If you can’t add LUNs to a storage pool

You can’t add a LUN to a storage pool unless the LUN is at least as large as the smallest
LUN you added when you created the pool. You can add a larger LUN, but space
beyond the smallest LUN size isn’t used.

You can only expand storage pools that can be used for user data. You can’t add a
LUN to a storage pool if the storage pool is used only for journaling and metadata. To
add journaling and metadata storage, add another storage pool that can be used for
journaling and metadata.

Xsan also won’t let you add a LUN to a storage pool if adding the LUN will fragment
the storage pool so much that performance suffers.

Check the common LUN size for a storage pool:
In Xsan Admin, select Volumes in the SAN Assets list and click disclosure triangles in


the list of volumes to show the LUNs in the storage pool of interest. Compare the listed
LUN sizes.

Check the data types a storage pool is used for:
In Xsan Admin, select Volumes in the SAN Assets list then click disclosure triangles in


the list of volumes to show the storage pool of interest. Double-click the storage pool
in the list and look next to “Used For” in the Inspector window.

If the capacity of a larger LUN is Listed as 2 terabytes

If a LUN that doesn’t yet belong to a storage pool is listed in Xsan Admin with a
capacity of 2 TB, even though you know it’s larger (which can happen if you used the
LUN with an earlier version of Xsan), try relabeling the LUN.

Relabel a LUN:


In Xsan Admin, select LUNs in the SAN Assets list.


Click LUNs, select the LUN in the list, and choose “Remove LUN label” from the Action

pop-up menu (gear).


With the LUN still selected, choose “Change LUN label” from the Action pop-up menu,

and enter a label.

If file copying doesn’t finish

If the Ethernet connection to a metadata controller is lost, Finder file-copy operations
in progress on clients might not finish, even though the volume successfully fails over
to a standby controller.

Let the copy operation finish:
Reconnect the disconnected controller to the SAN’s Ethernet network.
