F – j – Apple Workgroup Server 8550 User Manual
Page 150

Preferences 45
Previous System 67
Shutdown Items 54–55
Startup Items 54
System Folder 62
Utilities 61
WS Electronic Library 4
formatting a hard disk drive 60–61
function keys 136
green status light (DAT drive) 78, 80
Guide (
hard disk drives
backing up files 58
increasing performance 58
initializing (formatting) 60–61
installing system software 62–64,
mounting volumes 58–59
putting to sleep warning 18
solving problems 113–116
starting up from CD-ROM disc 59
using Apple RAID Software 58
hardware. See servers
Balloon Help 131
getting 1, 6–7
identifying objects on the screen 131
Index button 126–128
Look For button 129
Macintosh Guide 122–124, 130
Macintosh shortcuts 132–133
Macintosh Tutorial 118–119
from online services 141–145
on-screen 4–5
reference material 5
reviewing basic skills 120–122
Topics button 125–126
using this guide 3
High Sierra discs 106
hosts file
format for MacTCP application
format for Open Transport 45–47
using 29–30
hotline, customer support 7
humidity, affect on tape cassettes 82
I, J
application 121
basic information 120–121
Disk First Aid 63, 115
disk with “X” 93
document 121
Drive Setup 114
folder 121
question mark 62
sad Macintosh 93
Server HD icon 121
Trash 121
identifier subfield in hosts file 46
IEEE 802.3 variant of Ethernet standard
implicit domain searching 30
importing configurations 44–45
Index button, for getting help 126–128
about basic Macintosh skills 120–122
about configuration 38–39
about shortcuts 132–133
about updated Apple software
answering questions 6–7
in Balloon Help 131
customer support 7
in Macintosh Guide 122–124, 130
in Macintosh Tutorial 118–119
on-screen 4–5
in reference materials 5
in this guide 3