Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual

Page 79

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C H A P T E R 2

Finder Objects

Object Class Definitions



Clean Up, Close, Copy, Count, Data Size, Delete, Duplicate, Exists, Get, Move,

Open, Put Away, Reveal, Select, Sort, Update


A reference to a suitcase or, if you use the plural form font suitcases, a list

of references.


The script that follows moves a font suitcase called Janson Text into or out of

the Fonts folder, first asking the user to confirm the move. (If you are using

version 1.1 of the Finder scripting software, a second dialog box appears when

the Finder is moving suitcases into the Fonts folder, warning the user that the

suitcases won’t be available to running applications right away.)

tell application "Finder"

set x to name of items in fonts folder
if "Janson Text" is in x then

set response to display dialog ¬

"Remove the Janson fonts from the System?"

if button returned of response is "OK" then

move font suitcase "Janson Text" of fonts folder to ¬

folder "Font Storage" of startup disk

end if


set response to display dialog ¬

"Move the Janson fonts into the System?"

if button returned of response is "OK" then

move font suitcase "Janson Text" ¬

of folder "Font Storage" of startup disk to fonts folder

end if

end if

end tell