Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 78

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
Object Class Definitions
A reference to a file or, if you use the plural form font files, a list
of references.
If you save this script as a script application, it opens font suitcases or any
other containers you drop on its icon and opens the windows for any font files
they contain.
on open x
repeat with i in x
tell application "Finder"
open i
open font files in i
end tell
end repeat
end open
Font Suitcase
An object of class Font Suitcase is a suitcase file that contains font information.
A font suitcase has all the properties defined for object class Container on
page 43: Completely Expanded, Container Window, Entire Contents,
Expandable, Expanded, Previous List View, Selection, and View.
Like any other container, a font suitcase also has all the properties defined for
object class Item on page 73: Bounds, Comment, Container, Content Space,
Creation Date, Disk, Folder, Icon, ID, Information Window, Kind, Label Index,
Modification Date, Name, Physical Size, Position, Selected, Size, and Window.
Items within a font suitcase can be identified by name or by number. For more
information, see the definition of object class Item on page 73.