Modifying recorded scripts 1 – Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 18

C H A P T E R 1
Introduction to Finder Scripting
Recording Actions in the Finder
Listing 1-1
A sample recorded script
tell application "Finder"
close every window
select startup disk
open selection
set position of window of startup disk to {4, 43}
set size of window of startup disk to {369, 464}
select folder "Financial" of startup disk
open selection
set position of window of folder "Financial" of startup disk to ¬
{378, 43}
set size of window of folder "Financial" of startup disk to ¬
{200, 155}
select folder "Letters" of startup disk
open selection
set size of window of folder "Letters" of startup disk to ¬
{257, 385}
set position of window of folder "Letters" of startup disk to ¬
{379, 222}
set size of window of folder "Letters" of startup disk to ¬
{200, 286}
end tell
Modifying Recorded Scripts
You can often modify a recorded script to suit new circumstances. For example,
you could adapt the script shown in Listing 1-1 for use with an external hard
disk rather than the startup disk by changing the term startup disk to disk
"nameOfDisk" throughout the script, where nameOfDisk is the name of the hard
disk on which the folders Financial and Letters are located.
Or suppose you want to make sure the Finder opens each window specified in
Listing 1-1 with a specific view selected in the Views menu. One way to do this
might be to place the insertion point after the last line of the script in the script