The finder application object 0 – Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
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C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
The Finder Application Object
The Finder Application Object
The Finder application object belongs to the object class Application. As is
usually the case with scriptable applications, the application object functions
as the outermost container for most of the objects the Finder defines.
To send commands to the Finder, use a Tell statement addressed to the Finder:
tell application "Finder"
open startup disk
end tell
––result: startup disk of application "Finder"
The result shown appears in the Script Editor’s Result window. The statement
startup disk of application "Finder"
is a complete reference to the startup disk. The Finder application itself is the
startup disk’s container. Disks, folders, and files are examples of objects that
can be elements of the Finder application. Folders and files can in turn be
elements of disks or of folders within disks.
You can identify nested Finder objects in a variety of ways. For example, if the
startup disk is named My World, these statements all identify the same object:
folder "My Folder" of startup disk of application "Finder"
folder "My Folder" of disk "My World" of application "Finder"
item "My Folder" of container "My World" of application "Finder"
container "My World:My Folder" of application "Finder"
When recording is turned on, the Finder always records references the same
way. Although the Finder can interpret the four statements in the previous
example correctly, it records the reference as shown in the first statement.