Finder objects 2, Using object class definitions 2 – Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 27

Using Object Class Definitions
C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
Figure 2-0
Listing 2-0
Table 2-0
This chapter begins with a summary of the format used in object class defini-
tions and an introduction to the Finder application object, the outermost
container for most other Finder objects. The last section of the chapter provides
complete descriptions of the object classes defined by the Finder.
Using Object Class Definitions
Object class definitions describe what objects that belong to a particular class
have in common. Each definition contains at least five kinds of information:
properties, element classes, commands handled, default value class returned,
and one or more examples. These categories are briefly described here, using
examples from the definition of File that begins on page 61.
For a more detailed discussion of object classes and references to objects, see
the AppleScript Language Guide.
A property of an object is a characteristic that has a single value, such as the
name of a window or the modification date of a file. Properties are contained
by objects in much the same way that elements are (see “Element Classes” on
page 16). The main difference is that each of an object’s properties has only one
value, whereas an object may have many different elements of a single class.
Properties of an object are distinguished from each other by their unique labels.
For example, the script that follows sets the Position property of the file MyFile,
causing the icon for that file to move to the specified position.