Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual

Page 35

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C H A P T E R 2

Finder Objects

The Finder Application Object


content space is a special case and the Finder doesn’t consider it a member of

class Window (although you can refer to window of desktop in a script).
The desktop “window” and the desktop are actually the same object, whereas

all other windows are distinct from the objects they belong to and may have

different properties. For example, the Position property of a disk is different

from the Position property of the disk’s window.
The desktop doesn’t have most of the characteristics of windows, so you can’t

refer to properties such as Bounds, Position, and so on. If you are performing

operations on Finder windows that involve these properties, you may want to

get a list of windows that doesn’t include the desktop. Therefore, the Finder

doesn’t include the desktop when you request a list of windows:

tell application "Finder"


end tell

--result: {information window of startup disk of
application "Finder", window of folder "Projects" of
startup disk of application "Finder", window of startup
disk of application "Finder", window of disk "Applications"
of application "Finder"}

The list of window references returned doesn’t include the desktop, but it does

include information windows and any other windows that are open. If you

want to get a list restricted to windows that belong to containers, request a

list of container windows:

tell application "Finder"

container windows

end tell

--result: {window of folder "Projects" of startup disk of
application "Finder", window of startup disk of application
"Finder", window of disk "Applications" of application