Finder commands 3, Using command definitions 3 – Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual

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Using Command Definitions


C H A P T E R 3

Finder Commands


Figure 3-0

Listing 3-0
Table 3-0

This chapter begins with a summary of the format used in command defini-

tions. The rest of the chapter provides complete definitions of the Finder


Using Command Definitions


Command definitions provide information about what commands do and how

to use them in scripts. Each definition contains at least four kinds of information:

syntax, parameters, results, and examples. These categories are briefly described

here, using examples from the definition of the Move command that begins

on page 124.
For a more detailed introduction to application commands, see the AppleScript

Language Guide.



Each command definition begins with a “Syntax” section that describes how

to use the command in a statement. Syntax descriptions use the typographic

conventions summarized on page xi: plain computer font indicates a language

element you must type exactly as shown; italic text indicates a placeholder you

must replace with an appropriate value; brackets indicate that the enclosed

language element or elements are optional; and vertical bars separate elements

from which you must choose a single element.