Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 75

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
Object Class Definitions
If you save this script as a script application, it copies a new icon to any files
whose icons you drop on the script’s icon. The script uses the scripting
addition command Choose File to ask the user to specify which file’s icon is to
be copied:
on open x
tell application "Finder"
choose file with prompt ¬
"Choose the file whose icon you want to copy:"
set newIcon to icon of the result
repeat with i in x
set the icon of i to newIcon
end repeat
end tell
end open
An object of class Folder is a folder on a disk.
A folder has all the properties defined for object class Sharable Container
on page 79: Exported, Group, Group Privileges, Guest Privileges, Inherited
Privileges, Mounted, Owner, Owner Privileges, Protected, Shared,
Sharing Window.
Like any other sharable container, a folder also has all the properties defined
for object class Container on page 43: Completely Expanded, Container
Window, Entire Contents, Expandable, Expanded, Previous List View,
Selection, and View.
In addition, like any other container, a folder has all properties defined for
object class Item on page 73: Bounds, Comment, Container, Content Space,
Creation Date, Disk, Folder, Icon, ID, Information Window, Kind, Label Index,
Modification Date, Name, Physical Size, Position, Selected, Size, and Window.