Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 62
C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
Object Class Definitions
The phrase count of container windows at the beginning of the Repeat
loop requests that the Finder count all the container windows. Windows that
aren’t container windows, such as information windows, are ignored. The
Finder returns an integer, which the Repeat statement uses as the number
of times to repeat.
The If statement within the Repeat statement resets the bounds of each
successive container window so that it is shifted down and to the right from
the previously tiled window. After the View for each container window is set,
the last statement within the Repeat statement sends an Open command to that
window so that it overlaps the previously tiled window.
Content Space
An object of class Content Space can be any Finder content space, including a
container window, the desktop, an information window, a sharing window,
a status window, or a window.
Like any window, a content space can contain any of the elements that can be
contained by the object to which it belongs.
Clean Up, Close, Count, Data Size, Exists, Get, Open, Print, Sort, Update
Reference to a content space or, if you use the plural form content spaces, a
list of references.