Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 25

C H A P T E R 1
Introduction to Finder Scripting
Writing Scripts That Control the Finder
Unlike the script in Listing 1-2, the script in Listing 1-3 consists of a single Tell
statement, and the Display Dialog command is invoked from within the
Tell statement. The dialog box asks for the name of the new user and stores it
in the variable newUser. The three statements that follow open the Users &
Groups control panel and use the Make command to create a new user object
with the name stored in newUser.
The rest of the Tell statement consists of a series of Set commands that create a
new folder on the startup disk with the new user’s name and set the folder’s
owner and group and its sharing privileges. The owner and members of the
Department Group have all sharing privileges set to true. The guest privileges
See Folders, See Files, and Make Changes are set to false, false, and true
respectively, so guests can drop items into the folder but can’t open it. These
privileges are signaled to guests by a belt around the folder and a small black
arrow above it.
For the script in Listing 1-3 to work correctly, file sharing must be turned on
and the computer on which the script is running must have a group named
Department Group. You can modify that name or other settings in the script
to suit your own purposes. You can also modify the script in a variety of other
ways. For example, you can add an If statement that checks for the presence
of a particular group and if necessary creates the group before creating the
new user.