Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual

Page 138

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C H A P T E R 3

Finder Commands


Command Definitions


Reference to the opened object or a list of references.


This script opens a file and a folder:

tell application "Finder"

open {file "My File" of startup disk, ¬

folder "My Folder" of startup disk}

end tell

This script opens a text file using the Scriptable Text Editor:

tell application "Finder"

open file "Text File" of startup disk using ¬

application file "Scriptable Text Editor" ¬
of startup disk

end tell


If one of the objects specified by referenceToObject is already open, it remains

open and its window becomes the frontmost window.
The statement open items in referenceToContainer (where referenceToContainer

is a reference to any container) won’t compile. Instead, use the statement open
every item of




A Print command is a request to print one or more objects. The Finder version

of the Print command is identical to the standard version described in the

AppleScript Language Guide
