Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 58

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
Object Class Definitions
The first example opens all the containers on the desktop except for the Trash.
tell application "Finder"
open (containers in desktop whose name is not "Trash")
end tell
The next example, if saved as a script application, toggles the value of the
Completely Expanded property of all containers at the top level of the front
window: that is, it alternately expands all the containers and their nested
containers or collapses them. The window in which the script application
is located must be open in list view for the script to work on the window’s
property expan : false
tell application "Finder"
if expan = false then
set completely expanded of containers in ¬
container of front window to true
set expan to true
set completely expanded of containers in ¬
container of front window to false
set expan to false
end if
end tell
The script begins by declaring the value of the expan property to be false.
This property is a Boolean value that changes after the script is run. The
script sets expan to true whenever it sets the Completely Expanded
property of the front window’s containers to true, or to false whenever
it sets their Completely Expanded property to false.
The value of the property container of front window is a reference to the
container to which the window belongs. This script must specify the Container
property of the window, rather than the window itself, or it may not work
consistently. A window’s container always has a fixed number of elements until
new elements are added or deleted, whereas a window open in list view has a
variable number of elements depending on which folders are expanded.