References to finder windows 2 – Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 34

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
The Finder Application Object
window of startup disk of application "Finder", content
space of desktop of application "Finder", desktop of
application "Finder", application "Scriptable Text Editor",
application "Script Editor"}
For complete lists of the Finder application object’s properties and element
classes, see the definition for the Application object class, which begins on
page 31.
References to Finder Windows
One of the Finder elements you can refer to in scripts is a content space, which
can be any kind of window or the desktop. If you request all the content
spaces, the Finder returns a list of references to all kinds of windows (container
windows, information windows, sharing windows, and status windows)
and the desktop:
tell application "Finder"
content spaces
end tell
--result: {information window of startup disk of
application "Finder", window of folder "Projects" of
startup disk of application "Finder", window of startup
disk of application "Finder", window of disk "Applications"
of application "Finder", content space of desktop of
application "Finder"}
The result shown in the preceding example includes one information window,
three container windows, and the desktop content space. An information
window is the window that opens when you select an object’s icon in the
Finder and choose Get Info from the File command. Containers are objects that
can hold other objects, such as suitcases, folders, disks, and the desktop, and a
container window is a window that belongs to a container. The only exception
is the desktop window. Even though the desktop is a container, the desktop