Element classes 2 – Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual

Page 28

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C H A P T E R 2

Finder Objects


Using Object Class Definitions

tell application "Finder"

set position of file "MyFile" to {29, 235}

end tell

The file in this example must be located on the desktop. A file can have only

one Position property, distinguished from the other properties of the file by its

label, position.
The Properties section of an object class definition lists all the property labels

defined for that object and describes how to use them, including the class used

for each property’s value and whether or not the property can be modified.

Some objects inherit some or all their properties from other related objects. For

example, the definition for File that begins on page 61 lists several properties

that are inherited from the object class Item and several that are defined

specifically for class File.


A property name has no plural form, even if you use it to

refer to more than one property.

This script gets a list of the names of the files at the top level of the startup disk:

tell application "Finder"

name of files in startup disk

end tell

If you replace name with names, the script won’t compile.

Element Classes



are objects contained by an object. For example, a folder can contain

files and other folders. The element classes listed in an object class definition

show what kinds of elements objects of that class can contain. An object can

contain many elements or none, and the number of elements of a particular

class may change over time.
A file can be an element of other Finder objects in which files can be stored,

such as folders, disks, or the desktop; so File is listed as one of their element

classes. The definition for object class File that begins on page 61 indicates that

a file can’t contain any other elements.