Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual

Page 117

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C H A P T E R 3

Finder Commands

Command Definitions



This script cleans up all of the Finder’s open windows (not including the

desktop) for which “by Icon” or “by Small Icon” is selected in the Views menu.

The by name parameter specifies that the cleaned up icons are to be arranged

in the windows by name.

tell application "Finder"

clean up windows by name

end tell

This script aligns the icons in the window for the disk My World to the nearest

grid points without sorting them into a new arrangement:

tell application "Finder"

clean up window "My World"

end tell


The command clean up all is equivalent to the command clean up
desktop by name

and to the Clean Up All menu command (available when

you select an item on the desktop, hold down the Option key, and pull down

the Special menu). All these commands rearrange items on the desktop by

name and place the Trash in its original position relative to the lower-right

corner of the screen. However, if you use the Clean Up command without any

parameters, the Finder aligns objects on the desktop to the nearest grid points

without rearranging them.
If the referenceToObject parameter of the Clean Up command is a reference to

one or more items in an open window or on the desktop, the command aligns

their icons to the grid but ignores the propertyLabel parameter, if any. For

example, this script aligns only the icon for the folder My Folder (not the

contents of My Folder) to the grid:

tell application "Finder"

clean up folder "My Folder" of window "My World"

end tell