Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 42

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
Object Class Definitions
The Get statement in this script returns a list of references to the selected items.
The Repeat statement tests the Original Item property for each selected alias
file. If the property’s value is a valid reference, the If statement asks the Finder
to reveal the original item.
For an example of a script application that performs a similar task, see the
definition of the Reveal command on page 131. For examples of scripts that
create alias files, see the definition of the Make command beginning on
page 121.
A reference to an object of class Alias File in a Tell statement addressed to the
Finder is different from an AppleScript reference that uses an alias. You can use
an AppleScript alias reference like this anywhere in a script to identify a file:
alias "
When you compile the script (for example, by clicking the Check Syntax button
in the Script Editor), AppleScript creates an alias record that identifies the file
even after you move the file from its original location—as long as you don’t
recompile the script.
Like an alias record, an alias file identifies another file or folder even after the
original has been moved. However, a reference to an alias file is just like any
other Finder reference: it must provide a complete description of the alias file’s
location in a form similar to this:
tell application "Finder"
alias file "
Filename" [ of container "ContainerX" ]... ¬
of container "
Container1" [ of disk "Disk" ]
end tell
If you move the alias file, the reference won’t be accurate any longer. Also, if
you attempt to use a Finder reference to an alias file outside of a Tell statement
addressed to the Finder, the script won’t run.