Properties and elements of the finder 2 – Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
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C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
The Finder Application Object
Properties and Elements of the Finder
The Finder application, like most other Finder objects, has many properties you
can refer to in scripts. Some of these properties provide a shorthand method
of referring to certain specialized objects.
For example, although the Finder application can contain any number of
folders, only one Apple Menu Items folder can be located in the active System
Folder for a given Macintosh computer. The Apple Menu Items folder can be
described in a script as either an element of the System Folder or a property
of the Finder application.
This script identifies the Apple Menu Items folder as an object contained by the
System Folder:
tell application "Finder"
open folder "Apple Menu Items" of ¬
folder "System Folder" of startup disk
end tell
This script identifies the Apple Menu Items folder as a property of the Finder
tell application "Finder"
open apple menu items folder
end tell
Other specialized containers, such as the startup disk, the System Folder,
the Startup Items folder, and the Extensions folder, are also defined as
Finder properties.
You can use the Path To scripting addition command
to obtain references to some of the objects that can be
identified as properties of the Finder. However, Path To
use its own constants for these references and returns a
pathname as an AppleScript reference of the form alias
The desktop is another container you can identify as a property of the Finder.
Any items contained by the desktop—that is, items that are “loose” on the