Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 63

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
Object Class Definitions
This script returns a list of all Finder content spaces that are currently open,
including the desktop:
tell application "Finder"
content spaces
end tell
--result: {information window of startup disk of
application "Finder", window of folder "Projects" of
startup disk of application "Finder", window of startup
disk of application "Finder", window of disk "Applications"
of application "Finder", content space of desktop of
application "Finder"}
For more information about using content spaces in scripts, see “References to
Finder Windows,” which begins on page 22.
Control Panel
An object of class Control Panel is a control panel file on a disk.
A control panel has all the properties defined for object class File on page 61:
Creator Type, File Type, Locked, Product Version, Stationery, and Version.
Like any other file, a control panel also has all the properties defined for object
class Item on page 73: Bounds, Comment, Container, Content Space, Creation
Date, Disk, Folder, Icon, ID, Information Window, Kind, Label Index,
Modification Date, Name, Physical Size, Position, Selected, Size, and Window.
Unlike other kinds of files and unlike other control panels, the Views control
panel may also have these properties: