Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual

Page 116

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C H A P T E R 3

Finder Commands


Command Definitions

Clean Up


A Clean Up command is a request to align objects in a window or on the

desktop along the grid pattern selected in the Views control panel. The

View property for the window must be 0 (“by Small Icon”) or 1 (“by Icon”).

Depending on the parameters used with it, the Clean Up command can

have the same effect as choosing Clean Up Window, Clean Up Desktop, or

Clean Up All from the Special menu.


clean up [ all | (

referenceToObject [ by propertyLabel ] ) ]



A reference to the desktop or to one or more container windows,

or a reference to one or more elements of the desktop or a

container window. If the reference is to the desktop or a container

window, the command acts on the contents of the object. If the

reference is to elements of the desktop or of a container window,

the Finder aligns the specified objects to the nearest grid points

and ignores the propertyLabel parameter.


Reference or list of references

Default value:

A reference to the desktop


One of these property labels, specifying the order in which to

clean up the objects: name, size, modification date,

, or comment. If you include the referenceToObject

parameter and omit the propertyLabel parameter, the Finder aligns

the objects to the nearest grid points without sorting them into a

new arrangement. The command clean up all is equivalent

to the command clean up desktop by name.


Class identifier

Default value:



Reference to the specified object or list of references.