Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 53

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
Object Class Definitions
Minimum Partition size to 460,800 bytes (450K) and at the same time increases
the Partition Size to 450K:
tell application "Finder"
set minimum partition size of ¬
application file "Scriptable Text Editor" of ¬
application "Finder" to 460800
end tell
If you then run this script, the Finder sets the Partition Size of the Scriptable
Text Editor back to 393,216 bytes (384K) and at the same time decreases the
Minimum Partition Size to 384K:
tell application "Finder"
set partition size of ¬
application file "Scriptable Text Editor" of ¬
application "Finder" to 393216
end tell
Application Process
An object of class Application Process is a process that has been launched from
an application file.
An application process has all the properties defined for object class Process
on page 77: Creator Type, File, File Type, Frontmost, Name, Partition Size,
Partition Space Used, Remote Events, Scriptable, and Visible.
An application process also has this property:
application file
The application file from which this process was launched.