Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 33

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
The Finder Application Object
working area of your screen and not contained by a folder, disk, or other
object—can be considered elements of either the desktop or of the Finder
application object, as shown in the following examples.
This script requests a list of the items contained by the desktop:
tell application "Finder"
items of desktop
end tell
--result: {trash of application "Finder", disk
"Applications" of application "Finder", disk "Storage" of
application "Finder", startup disk of application "Finder"}
If you request the items of the Finder application, you get a similar list:
tell application "Finder"
end tell
--result: {trash of application "Finder", disk
"Applications" of application "Finder", disk "Storage" of
application "Finder", startup disk of application "Finder",
desktop of application "Finder"}
The only difference is that the second list includes a reference to the desktop
itself, which is also an item contained by the Finder application.
Finally, if you request the contents of the Finder application, you get a list that
includes references to windows and to currently running processes as well as
to the Finder’s items:
tell application "Finder"
end tell
--result: {trash of application "Finder", disk
"Applications" of application "Finder", disk "Storage" of
application "Finder", startup disk of application "Finder",